
Showing posts from May, 2019

Vitamin D Therapy

I hung out in the yard today! This may seem like a small thing, but it was major for me. I hate using crutches in general, but especially on stairs. I'm always afraid of falling. Not to mention, Patrick is usually around to ground me if I start getting unstable. I typically have pretty low activity when he's at work.  I'm glad my desire to get outside over-weighed my fears. I always feel better in the sun. I needed some vitamin D! I have about a month left of being non-weight bearing and it's probably going to be the hardest. I'll be missing out on lake trips, kayaking, swimming, concerts and many other summer activities. It's hard watching people do the activities that I want to do and can't. Some of it is completely irrational. I even find my self jealous of people running on the streets. I hate running, but I've said a couple times now that I'm going to be a runner when this is all over... just because I can. Being able to just get outs...


I had open reduction with internal fixation of my right ankle on April 4th.  When I came out of surgery, the nurse woke me up and asked me about pain. I couldn't feel most of  my foot--the doctor had performed a nerve block during surgery. I could, however, feel a sharp stabbing pain to the inside of my foot. The nurse said this was normal and gave me pain medicine. Every time she would stop talking to me, I would fall asleep. She kept asking me my pain level. I would answer and then fall asleep immediately. She gave me several doses of one pain med and then switched to another. After she had given me the second type of med, I told her I didn't want anymore. I couldn't tell much of a difference in my foot, but the rest of me could feel the effects. My nurse had to go check on another post-op patient and had to leave my bedside for a few minutes. I remember her telling another staff member, "You won't have to worry about her, she'll be fine". I fell...

My Lisfranc Injuy: The Story

I haven't walked in 94 days. 3 months. It seems like such a long time to me, but in the grand scheme of things I suppose it really isn't. The story: In February, I was playing volleyball and tried to change directions so another player wouldn't plow into me. In the process, I landed, with all my weight, on my inverted right foot. I knew immediately something was wrong. Day 1: Feb 12 I was able to hobble off the court, but as soon as I got off I was unable to put any weight on my foot. I iced it on the sidelines while the first match of the volleyball game was finished and then had to be carried to my car by a guy I had only met 30 minutes earlier. *hiiiiiii.* I got in my car. I started it and tried to put my foot on the brake pedal. I couldn't. This is when I started crying. "Shit, I can't even drive." I've played sports since I can remember. I've had a ton of injuries. I've sprained my ankle a number of times, but I was always ...

Back to work

I started back at work this week. I'm having to work in virtual nursing, since I am still on strict non-weight bearing restrictions. I'm not allowed to go back to the ED until July, when I can pivot. Before my accident, I definitely wanted a break, but now I am looking forward to getting back. Sitting at home, not being able to walk or drive, is no vacation.  Virtual nursing is not what I expected. I expected to be much busier. My first day I did chart review, which I finished rather quickly and then had nothing to do for about 8 hours. Normally, nurses on the floor would call for the virtual nurse to do admissions to the floor and discharges, but I had no calls. I'm not sure if this was because they haven't had a virtual nurse in several months, because I was new, or they didn't realize I was there. I think there is more I could do with chart review, but I'm not a floor nurse and never have been. I don't know what to look for besides the basics that t...