Back to work

I started back at work this week.

I'm having to work in virtual nursing, since I am still on strict non-weight bearing restrictions. I'm not allowed to go back to the ED until July, when I can pivot. Before my accident, I definitely wanted a break, but now I am looking forward to getting back. Sitting at home, not being able to walk or drive, is no vacation.

 Virtual nursing is not what I expected. I expected to be much busier. My first day I did chart review, which I finished rather quickly and then had nothing to do for about 8 hours. Normally, nurses on the floor would call for the virtual nurse to do admissions to the floor and discharges, but I had no calls. I'm not sure if this was because they haven't had a virtual nurse in several months, because I was new, or they didn't realize I was there.

I think there is more I could do with chart review, but I'm not a floor nurse and never have been. I don't know what to look for besides the basics that they mentioned in my 10 minute orientation. I think I would be more beneficial doing chart reviews in the ED. Modrate sedation, minimum charting requirements, procedures, etc. I don't make the rules though.

Something to note: I requested to come off leave. I could have been on leave until July. My ED manager informed me that there was an opportunity in virtual nursing. I informed the manager of virtual about my restrictions and needs for appts, etc, prior to accepting to make sure they would be able to accomodate. After this, I asked my physician to allow me to return part time until I could bear weight.

My second day of work, I was called off. This was a shock to me. They wanted to put me on standby. I've mentioned multiple times to staff and management that I'm not allowed to drive. Having me on standby just doesn't work for someone who has to rely on others for rides. It's already a bother having to find rides on a set schedule. Now you want me to give them less than an hour notice of when I need to come in... while they are also working? And I am also penalized if I don't get to work in a certain time? It's just not feasible. I thought this was pretty apparent, but I guess it wasn't.

It seems to be semi-worked out now.  If there is a day with low patient ratios and they need to save on hours, my whole shift will be cut.

My biggest issue will all of this is that it wasn't discussed. I didn't realize I would be considered normal "nursing staff" while on virtual. I figured it would be more of an administrative roll. Also, it's hard to get hours when I'm the first to be called off. I'm trying to be a bit more positive, so I guess some hours are better than no hours?

Maybe next week will be better.


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